Thursday, January 24, 2013

Choice Sheets

     Which publication will you want to join next year, Newspaper, Yearbook, or Commercial Photography?

     I don't really know which publication I want to be in, I am conflicted between Newspaper and Yearbook. They both sound fun, and I really do want to be in one of those classes but I don't know which one I should choose. Hopefully next year I get the class that will make me happy, a class that I will love.

Yearbook Spread:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Rules Of Photography And Caption Review II


Depth of Field (shallow and wide)-
Light (angel and intensity)- The presence of light
Shadows- The absence of light, they impact photography
Diffusion- softening  or blocking of the light, changing the intensity of the light
Exposure- to light, to dark, or perfect to our eyes

Aperture (f- stop)- is about the lens, and its how big or small the opening is on the inside, you have complete control over the aperture.
Shutter speed- how fast the camera opens and closes letting light in to the sensor, you have complete control over the shutter speed.
ISO- how sensitive the sensor is to light,you have complete control over the ISO, grain

Types of lenses

Telephoto- zoom it in and get closer
Prime- no zooming, they are small and you can't adjust them
Wide Angle-takes wider photos

shallow = big opening
the smaller the F-stop the more amount of light enters
shutter speed is what it takes to stop action
moving = shutter speed must be higher
not moving = shutter speed must be lower
when you increase ISO more grains will appear
aperture big opening = more light
aperture small opening = less light

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rules Of Photography And Caption Review

Caption #1

who- President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama
what- Hugging each other, embracing, tight hug, close to each other
where- Airport,Washington D.C. Kennedy International Airport, on the tarmac out by the airplane
when- Monday, November 17th at 11:00 AM
why- They had been separated for 3 weeks while Obama was on the campaign trail trying to get re-elected president of the United States
background- President Obama tripped and fell on his way  into the terminal and hit his head hard enough that the medical team nearby had to come out to help him

sentence #1

President Barack Obama embraces his wife Micelle at the Kennedy International Airport after returning home from a trip to Ohio where he was stumping for re-election.

sentence #2

The President, while on his way to the terminal tripped and fell requiring medical intention for a cut on his left cheek.

Caption Head

Tripping his way to he Presidency

Caption #2

who- PSY, the  famous singer
what- Performing at a concert on a crane
where- He is performing at a concert in Hong Kong
when- Wednesday ,October 20th at 9:00 PM, just finishing his song Gangdom Style
why- PSY is sharing his music to the  people of Hong Kong and for every body who is watching this on T.V.
how- He is using his voice and a microphone to make his music heard
background- PSY wanted to show off so he jumps upend down on the crane and fell onto the floor and was rushed in to the hospital to fix his broken foot

sentence #1

The famous singer, PSY is performing in Hong Kong so he could share his music to all the people in Hong Kong and all the people who are watching him on TV.

sentence #2

PSY, being the famous performer that he is, he does a backflip and instead of paying attention to crane he jumps up and down and falls off and is rushed to the hospital to fix his broken foot

Caption head

Jumping to the audience during performance

Caption #3

who- Former President Bill Clinton
what- Bill is giving his congrats to President Obama for  winning the election
where- Washington D.C. U.S.
when- Monday, December 24th at 10:35 AM
why- He is showing his appreciation to Obama and giving him support so he could show him he is there for the president
how- Bill Clinton is using cameras and a microphone
background- After his speech to Obama, Bill steps of the stage and slips on a banana peel and falls to the floor, causing him to get amnesia and wondering what is he doing there

sentence #1

Former President, Bill Clinton is congratulating and showing his appreciation for newly re-elected President Obama in Washington D.C.

sentence #2

After Bill is done using the cameras  he steps off the stage and slips onto a banana causing him to have amnesia and making him forget where he is.

Caption head

Speeches given to support and a banana

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome Back

   PART 1

     This is one of my favorite photos because I love space and a solar eclipse is special and wonderful to see.
     This is my second favorite picture because it shows me that people are willing to help others even if it is not the same species
     This is my favorite picture of 2012 because it is the first day of a new year and the year 2012 must have been a special year because we got a unique light show at the begging of  a new year.

     1) What was the best song in 2012?
     My favorite song of 2012 is Katy Perry's "Part Of Me"

     2) What was the best Movie of 2012?
     My favorite movie of 2012 is "Wrath Of The Titans"

     3) What was the most important news story of the year?
  The most important story of 2012 was Hurricane Sandy 

     4) Who is the most important person of 2012?
 The most important person of 2012 is the first lady "Michelle Obama"

     5) What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment Person of 2012?
My favorite entertainment story is that the calendar was wrong now people can stop saying the world is gonna end.

     1) I remember when I opened my first present of 2012 it was a star theatre pro and now i could sleep under the stars every night 
     2) I don't have any
     3) The school year