Monday, April 15, 2013

Lenses and Photography Vocabulary

Finish the following sentences ( in what type of situation would you use these types of lenses)

1) I would use a telephoto lens to...
shoot something that is far from me, like if I am watching a football game I could use the lens to get a good picture.

2) I would use a prime lens to...
shoot pictures when I'm indoors, for example if there was a big party going on and I needed pictures I would use that type of lens.

3) I would use a wide-angle lens to...
shoot pictures that show a lot of things happening at once in the same place and getting almost all of them, for example if there was a football game and a party happening on the field I could use the wide-angle lens for this situation.

Define each term below, and write a sentence that explains how it relates to taking better photos. 

1) Depth of Field (Shallow and Wide)- the including of objects in the foreground, middle ground, and background. This makes the photo better by showing everything in the photo from the closest object to the farthest object.

2) Light  (Angle and Intensity)- how much light there is in the photo. This makes a photo better by letting light be there when it is needed.

3) Shadows- how much shade there is in the photo. Th makes the photo better by letting shade in when ti is needed.

4) Diffusion- how much you leave the subject with enough space. This makes the photo better by seeing the subject there without any distractions.

5) Exposure- how much you expose a photo. This makes the photo better by adding one or meow interesting subjects in the photo.

6) Aperture (F-Stop)- adds dimension to a photograph by blurring a background or brings everything in focus. This makes a photo look better by putting the main subject in focus while everything else is in blur.

7) Shutter Speed-creates by freezing action or blurring motion. This makes a photo look better by showing us a photo that stops time.

8) ISO-the level of sensitivity in the camera available to light. This makes the camera better buy adding the right amount of light to a photo.

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