Wednesday, November 28, 2012

American Soldier slide show and captions (review)

this photo to me is the most powerful because it is about a soldier who is going to a war and might die but only time will tell so the parents dare saying good bye hoping he will come back

     b. From image 1 to image 10 he is at home in Denver
         From image 11 to image 50 he is in military training
         From image 51 to image 70 he is in Iraq
         From image 71 to image 83 his back home
     When he is returning home is the most powerful set because he is welcomed back with open ams and he is where he belongs
      c. They were taken in a type of order where he starts out in Denver signing up in the army then training in the army then going to Iraq then finally coming home

        a. The verbs are mostly Past tense
        b. By letting the reader know what is happening
"Falling asleep"who knew the barber would be so boring  just sitting around doing nothing right before he joins the army. They just stood there doing nothing, why would they just sit there and let him sleep

 "Falling asleep again?" I guess this guy is a lazy one who doesn't feel the cold whip cream on his head maybe instead of a soldier he could be the sandman. he grabbed the wrong can he was suppose the get the can filled with sand.

  "Hiding" he finally has the courage to go outside and hide from his nightmare, thats what he gets for sleeping to much. In a leafy forest, or a big bush, he must hide from the thing he fears most.

     5) a. They make it clear on what the photo is
         b. The videos show more than what the pictures show us
         c.  the photos don't take as long as the videos and you can see the caption so they tell you the strory

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