Thursday, November 15, 2012

Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO - how they all work

Here is an example of a photo taken at aperture F2.8
And here is an example of a photo taken at aperture F16
1) What part of the body should we closely relate aperture?
     we should closely relate the aperture to the cornea in our eyes
2)  Finish this sentence- the smaller the Aperture___F stop___, the higher the Aperture ___size___
3) in your own words tell me how aperture impacts Depth of Field?
     If the F number is large, all objects in the background or foreground will become focused,but if the F number is small it will make all background objects blurry and foreground objects sharp.

Now that we are done with Aperture lets look at Shutter speed, here is an example of high shutter speed
 Now here is one with slow shutter speed
1) I was not at Blue and Gold Night so I can't answer this question
2) List the three settings your camera has regarding shutter speed ( these are found at the Shutter Speed website) explain how each works -DO NOT COPY AND PASTE, use your own words.
    a. Auto- the camera automatically activates shutter speed and aperture
    b. Aperture Priority- you set the lens of the aperture while the camera automatically activates shutter speed
    c. Manual -you set aperture and shutter speed.

Now that we are done with Shutter speed we will move on to ISO, here is an example of an ISO 200
and here is one with ISO 3200

1) It is better to shoot at a higher shutter speed at a a sporting event because you will get a better picture
2) Always take low ISO pictures when there is enough light
3) Always take high ISO pictures when there isn't enough light

 Now that we are finished with that lets move on to the acidity Sim Link
       Ex. F2.8 looks the best at 1/125th of a second shutter speed
Answers: F4 looks the best at 1/125th of a second shutter speed
                F5.6 looks the best at 1/25th of a second shutter speed
                F8 looks the best at 1/60th of a second shutter speed
                F11 looks the best at 1/60th of a second shutter speed
                F16 looks the best at 1/30th of a second shutter speed
                F22 looks the best at none
What is happening in the background?
         Ex. at F2.8 there is no background visible- it is very blurry and all you can really see is the couple.
                At shutter 1/500, F4 there is a background that is very blurry, the picture has gotten darker, and the couple is the only thing visible             
                At shutter 1/500, F5.6 there is a darker color on everything the background has become a little more visible
                At shutter 1/500, F8 there is the entire picture has gone darker the couple is starting to disappear
                At shutter 1/500, F11 there is dark background and you can only see the couples arms and barely the neck
                At shutter 1/500, F16 there is nothing visible
                At shutter 1/500, F22 there is nothing visible

What is happening to the people themselves at slow shutter speeds?
     The couple is either very bright or shaking
What could the photographer do to help combat this problem?
     He could make the shutter speed faster instead of slower
What is the lowest shutter speed do you think a hand-hold a camera?
     I think 1/8
How did you do on the depth of field test?
    I didn't do so good I still need to learn more about Depth of Field
How did you do on the shutter speed and motion test?
    I did good ,I now know my shutter speed and motion

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