Monday, December 17, 2012

Extra Credit For Final

     1) Explain what happened to the man that was killed by the subway and how the photographer was able to take the photo.
         The man was shoved onto the tracks by an unidentified assailant, The photographer took out his camera and snapped the pictures of the mans final moments in an effort to alert the coming train's driver with his flash that something was wrong.  
     2) Why did the photographer say he took the photo?
           To wan the train driver  about the man on the tracks.
     3) Do you think the photographer should have taken the photo?
     4) Do you think the photographer did the best he should have done in this situation? Why or why not?
              Even though he should have done something else he did the yes he can, trying to warn the train driver.
     5) Do you agree or disagree with the decision to run the photo on the front page of the New York Post? Explain why or why not.
                I agree with this decision people need to know what happens
     6) What is more important to a photojournalist , capturing images of life as it happens or stopping bad things from happening? Explain why or why not.

      7) Do you think it is ever ethically acceptable for a photographer to involve himself/herself in a situation that he or she photograph? Explain why or why not.

      8) Should photojournalist always avoid influencing events as they happen? Explain your answer.

      9) After reading the responses from the professional photographs, what stands out as the most appropriate response for a photographer to this situation.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Semester Review

Mr. White is repairing a TV or should I says he's repairing five TV's.  Kids pay attention because he won't  do it again, you got to know how to fix a TV in a repair shop or you'll never know how to get to that TV show.

How is he dong this he is jumping fast then a cheetah, I would not want to take him on in a jump rope contest. It looks like he was sucked into a black hole and has nothing better to do than jump rope, at least he is the champion of the black hole at jump roping.

Happy New year, its the beginning of 2012, this is a really impressive firework show, it cant get any better than this. I would have loved to go to London and see this but its in the past and I don't have a time machine 

                           RULES OF PHOTOGRAPHY 

     - Rule of Thirds, The object that you want other people to see is not in the center but is in the left or right, you can do this by imagining that the photo is divided into a tic tic toe box.
     - Balancing Elements, The object that you are taking a picture of must be balanced out with another object to make it look like as if it is, not the only one there, doesn't look like its going to fall of etc.
     - Leading Lines, The object of the picture is surrounded by lines that go in different directions, straight, diagonal, or curved.
     - Symmetry and Patterns, The object is put in a background were it could be divided in half but sell looks the same on both sides of the pictures
     - Viewpoint, The object of the picture is taken at a interesting point of view were the viewer could say," Wow thats a really cool picture how did they take that."
     - Background/Simplicity, The object has  a clear background and is obvious that the object is what draws your eye.
     - Create Depth, You put multiple objects in the photo, in the background, in the front ground, everywhere. 
     - Framing, The object is framed by an object or objects like trees, walls, rocks, water, are examples of the objects that frame the object. 
     - Cropping, The object is in the front of the picture and in the the background is filled with the same object but the background is blurred out.
     - Mergers, The object is merged with another object and that makes the photo look either silly or cool. 
     - Avoiding Mergers, The object is in a perfect picture that has nothing coming out of it that makes it look silly.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Ethics In Fashion Photography

    1) Her eyes were lowered he neck became skinny and her head rose
    2) In this case yes, because the person allowed herself to be changed
    3) No that I can think of
    4) The hair and make up was alright but when they touched her up on the computer wasn't alright
    5) Fashion photography is included in only types of fashion and photojournalism include everything else
    6) The relationship between photography and reality is that the both work together, for example, photography takes place were ever you want reality to be. This effects the ethical practice by photos being taken by people who might use photoshop to change to picture.

Lytro warm up

     1)  What did you see happen when you clicked on the photo?
I saw the pictures move when I dragged my mouse
     2)  How does this new camera work?
I think this camera works with shutter speed(remember I think thats how it works)
     3) What do you think a photographer would have to know about to take this kind of photo?
He would have to know what he is doing an dhow is he going to make the camera work that way.
      4) Is it worth the money?
That is only up to the person who is buying the camera not to me.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mural Project- BLOG GRADE

This last one was exclude from the mural because the letter E replaced, so this one is no longer on the mural

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Self Portrait and Portraits Part II And Rules of Photography Part II

     1) The most common mistake made by a photographer is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects, meaning the subject is to small to have any impact. Viewers can sense when a subject is small because it was suppose to be and when its small because the photographer was too shy to get close. Don't be shy  they'll usually be happy to have their picture made.
     2) The setting in which you make pictures of people are important because they add to the viewers understanding of your subject.
      3) Be upfront about who you are and what you're doing . Don't just barge into a scene with your camera blazing. In fact, it is usually best to leave your camera in its bag when you first approach people, so as not to frighten.

     I chose these two out of the other pictures because these are the only two i found that actually had to do with the environment.

I chose these two because I like how the pictures are being reflected by the mirror and door knob

     For the assignment I will take a picture of my self for the self portrait. I will try to do what I can to make the picture look good, I will focus it, I will use the rules of photography, I will do whatever I can to make the photo look good. I will shoot somewhere in the school where there is a mirror or anything that can be reflective.

                                               lets see the 10 rules of photography

                                                                             Rules of Thirds
                                                           Symmetry and Patterns
Avoiding Mergers

Friday, November 30, 2012

Abandon Theme Parks

     1) The park I like to visit would be the Glen Echo park. I would like to visit the Glen echo park because it is old fashioned hand I like old fashioned. It reminds me of what it would have been like in the park and I would have loved to go there. I would take pictures of every thing because I would want to remember that day.
     2) Here is a photo of the Glen Echo Parks, Crystal Pool
     3) list 5 unusual place I would visit
        - the forest
        - a island
        - a castle
        - a abandon amusement park
        - ruins of an ancient civilization
    4) Here are some pictures of a couple of ancient civilizations
     5) It would be really fun to document these location because, well what photographer wouldn't want to take a picture of these ancient places. Who knows what secrets the ancients had held in there kingdoms, there are still many things we don't know that we could discover. I would really love to go to these places and more to take these photos and keep them forever.
     6) it wouldn't take me anything ftp go to these locations,money would be ok, but beside the point I love the ancients, and I would love to visit these places. first off I would need a camera and I would definitely need a guide,  because I don't know where is where and I would hate to get lost. The law that concerns me the most would be getting my passport, that is the only law that concerns me.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

American Soldier slide show and captions (review)

this photo to me is the most powerful because it is about a soldier who is going to a war and might die but only time will tell so the parents dare saying good bye hoping he will come back

     b. From image 1 to image 10 he is at home in Denver
         From image 11 to image 50 he is in military training
         From image 51 to image 70 he is in Iraq
         From image 71 to image 83 his back home
     When he is returning home is the most powerful set because he is welcomed back with open ams and he is where he belongs
      c. They were taken in a type of order where he starts out in Denver signing up in the army then training in the army then going to Iraq then finally coming home

        a. The verbs are mostly Past tense
        b. By letting the reader know what is happening
"Falling asleep"who knew the barber would be so boring  just sitting around doing nothing right before he joins the army. They just stood there doing nothing, why would they just sit there and let him sleep

 "Falling asleep again?" I guess this guy is a lazy one who doesn't feel the cold whip cream on his head maybe instead of a soldier he could be the sandman. he grabbed the wrong can he was suppose the get the can filled with sand.

  "Hiding" he finally has the courage to go outside and hide from his nightmare, thats what he gets for sleeping to much. In a leafy forest, or a big bush, he must hide from the thing he fears most.

     5) a. They make it clear on what the photo is
         b. The videos show more than what the pictures show us
         c.  the photos don't take as long as the videos and you can see the caption so they tell you the strory

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO - how they all work

Here is an example of a photo taken at aperture F2.8
And here is an example of a photo taken at aperture F16
1) What part of the body should we closely relate aperture?
     we should closely relate the aperture to the cornea in our eyes
2)  Finish this sentence- the smaller the Aperture___F stop___, the higher the Aperture ___size___
3) in your own words tell me how aperture impacts Depth of Field?
     If the F number is large, all objects in the background or foreground will become focused,but if the F number is small it will make all background objects blurry and foreground objects sharp.

Now that we are done with Aperture lets look at Shutter speed, here is an example of high shutter speed
 Now here is one with slow shutter speed
1) I was not at Blue and Gold Night so I can't answer this question
2) List the three settings your camera has regarding shutter speed ( these are found at the Shutter Speed website) explain how each works -DO NOT COPY AND PASTE, use your own words.
    a. Auto- the camera automatically activates shutter speed and aperture
    b. Aperture Priority- you set the lens of the aperture while the camera automatically activates shutter speed
    c. Manual -you set aperture and shutter speed.

Now that we are done with Shutter speed we will move on to ISO, here is an example of an ISO 200
and here is one with ISO 3200

1) It is better to shoot at a higher shutter speed at a a sporting event because you will get a better picture
2) Always take low ISO pictures when there is enough light
3) Always take high ISO pictures when there isn't enough light

 Now that we are finished with that lets move on to the acidity Sim Link
       Ex. F2.8 looks the best at 1/125th of a second shutter speed
Answers: F4 looks the best at 1/125th of a second shutter speed
                F5.6 looks the best at 1/25th of a second shutter speed
                F8 looks the best at 1/60th of a second shutter speed
                F11 looks the best at 1/60th of a second shutter speed
                F16 looks the best at 1/30th of a second shutter speed
                F22 looks the best at none
What is happening in the background?
         Ex. at F2.8 there is no background visible- it is very blurry and all you can really see is the couple.
                At shutter 1/500, F4 there is a background that is very blurry, the picture has gotten darker, and the couple is the only thing visible             
                At shutter 1/500, F5.6 there is a darker color on everything the background has become a little more visible
                At shutter 1/500, F8 there is the entire picture has gone darker the couple is starting to disappear
                At shutter 1/500, F11 there is dark background and you can only see the couples arms and barely the neck
                At shutter 1/500, F16 there is nothing visible
                At shutter 1/500, F22 there is nothing visible

What is happening to the people themselves at slow shutter speeds?
     The couple is either very bright or shaking
What could the photographer do to help combat this problem?
     He could make the shutter speed faster instead of slower
What is the lowest shutter speed do you think a hand-hold a camera?
     I think 1/8
How did you do on the depth of field test?
    I didn't do so good I still need to learn more about Depth of Field
How did you do on the shutter speed and motion test?
    I did good ,I now know my shutter speed and motion

Monday, October 29, 2012

Funny Captions

 This bumble bee named black and yellow was feeling lonely and needed a hug, so he decided to fly to an ally and found a calendar saying today was christmas and saw a cat so he gave the cat who was named show ball a big hug. The cat wanted to eat something so he invited a bee to a party and said lets eat so he ate the bee and had merry christmas.

 The panda chubby is minding his own business when blizzard happened on they day of his birthday,08,04,2002, the storm was about 2 seconds long and is blowing him down the slide so the panda said ,WEEEEEEEEEEE. some of you might be wondering were the panda is, well the panda is at the school playground because he got tired of being lazy at the zoo.

Now if you look here this girl named Sarah white is lying down is bored and wants to be alone but all of a sudden two cats named albino and tiger came in. Sarah was confused for 2 reasons one she was wondering how did you get in here and two because all of a sudden they started talking and said mama I don't want to go to school, shocked sarah fainted.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

     1) The reason I choose John Gutmann's"Archer", was the fact that I love the past and the fact that I prefer the weapons of the past than the weapons of the present

     2) Promenade Deck

     I see a floating circle on the side of a deck just floating there. I see a small island in the horizon that we are heading to. Another thing I see how the sky and the sea cooperate with the earth making us a show that is beautiful.
     I smell the air that we smell when we are at the sea or ocean. I also smell the fresh air of the outdoors and the sea.there is no better smell than the smell of fun or freedom.
     I hear the waves hitting the but and people enjoying their cruise. I also hear the sea creatures dancing in the water jumping in and out of the water. Another thing I hear is a something calling me making me want to go in that direction and hearing new things that are out there.
     I taste the little drops of sea water that the boat runs into. I also taste the food that I was served at this ship, spaghetti, water, jello, and buffalo wings. Another thing that I taste is the taste of adventure, exploring what is out there and tasting freedom.
     I feel the fresh air, the water hitting my face, I feel the freedom of a animal. I also feel curios about what is in the black circle is it a portal to a different dimension? Or is it hole to the bottom of the ship. I also feel like it will lead me somewhere special that no one has been before.

     I see modern day women going back into the past. I also see what it was like in the past, seeing these women makes me think that everything in the photo is in the past. Another thing I see is the house in the background reminding me that we are not in the past but how much the past meant to us.
     I smell the fresh air of the past. I also smell  the smell of the bows and arrows as if they were new. Another thing I smell is the perfume the woman are wearing.
     I hear the sound of arrows being launched and hitting the floor. Another thing I hear is the sound of cars passing by and kids playing outdoors. I also hear the birds, both passing by and the ones being frightened by the sound of the arrows hitting the food or passing by them.
     I taste the air of the past. I also taste that pie someone left out to cool down.
     I feel what it is like in the past. The excitement of what it is like to see professional archers shoot bow and arrows. I also feel the air that is passing by me.

Academic Shoot Reflection

     1) The only challenge for me was the challenge of remembering the rules
     2) The thing I had thought the about the most was focusing, I would keep my finger on the shoot button an when i had a good shoot my finger would press the button halfway down and click
     3) Nothing it went good and I haven't learn anything really new so I would do the same as last time
     4) I would do the same thing
     5) Framing and/or mergers would be the easiest
     6) lines would be the hardest but it isn't that hard
     7) lines are the ones that I have a little trouble remembering nut i can look back at the early post or assignments and restudy it.

Academic shoot - post your photos

Avoiding Mergers
Rule of Thirds

1) It depends on which rule I used, it could be the rules of how I took these pictures, if we are talking about the six rules of photography then the rules were pretty tough to follow and if we are talking about the rules of the academic shoot then it was very easy.

2) The subject of the photos are that many things are happening at once but no other scene is distracting the other, in the photos of lines one is putting make up near the center, at the left side we could see someone talk to another,and in the back two girls are doing nothing but poking up into space.

3) It is only clear to the people that can see it can not be entirely clear for those who can not see it and for those who can see it, they can see it in their own perspective, so in a way it can't be entirely clear

4) I would find a way to take a picture and make it look like it is the six rules of photography.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mural project preview

      1) A theme that we could use for a mural is friendship, trust, or teamwork.
      2) We should open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones.
      3) In the cafeteria were everybody can see it even the teachers.

Africa Project preview

     1) My reactions to these photos of Africa and it wildlife is outstanding and simply amazing, the animal there are spectacular and wonderful and I really like these photos.
     2) This photo is my favorite of the photographer.
     3) This is my favorite photo for a couple of reasons the, first is that this picture is of a lion they are my favorite animals, the second reason is that the wind blows the lions mane one direction while the lion looks at the other direction, and the other reason is that the photo really catches a scene where the lion looks to his kingdom.
     4) This photo has balance in it for everything in the photo are balanced, the only lines I see are the ones in the grass and in the lions mane, this photo is simple.
     5) Nick Brandt used a Pentax 6711 with only two fixed lenses.
         While directing Michael Jackson's Earth Song in Tanzania, in 1995 that Brandt fell in love with the animals and land of East Africa.
         Over the next few years, frustrated that he could not capture on film his feelings about and love for animals he realized there was a way through this with photography
         Brandt loves Africa and he says,"That there is nothing that can take me out of Africa and its wildlife."

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Academic Shoot Preview

"The Story"
     The story in this photo is one about people coming together an becoming friends. Friends can come in many shapes, sizes, and age.
     I think this story is about people getting along because the people in this photo are having fun and not arguing.
"Action and Emotion"
    The story in this photo is more about action because the two kids in this photo are using fire to cut or bind an object.
"Filling the Frame"
     This photo fills the frame because the room is filled with the people working together for a specific purpose.

     I picked this photo because it is an outstanding photo of a young girl putting some red food coloring in a box covered in a black bag and the center is jumping up with title pink clumps
     I see in this photo the rules of balancing, mergers, framing and lines (the lines pare on the edges of the bag

     Most of the photos are being taken in a science classroom and one in at a desk or an office but these photos are taken in the classroom
     All of the classrooms that will let me in
     Put everything that I had learn into the photos I would take